Short CV
- 2010 Diploma and B.S. in Electrical Engineering, FH Lübeck, Germany and Milwaukee School of Engineering, USA
- 2005 Higher education entrance qualification, Fachgymnasium Mölln, Germany
- 2009 »Embedded Webserver Solution and PC Control Software«
3 months, FaliTec GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
Further Education
- 2012 Cross-Cultural Training — Part 2 on »Cross-Cultural Teamwork«
1 day, FH Lübeck, Germany - 2011 Social year as »socio-pedagogical assistent«
1 year, Praxis für Kommunikationstraining, Hör- und Psychotherapie, Mölln, Germany - 2010 Cross-Cultural Training — Part 1 on »Cross-Cultural Communication and Management«
3 days, FH Lübeck, Germany
- Detailed IT skills
- Detailed practical skills