Matthias Kolja Miehl
Second Cross-Cultural Training (me: 1st from the right)
I am an electrical engineer from Dortmund
interested in
embedded systems,
GNU/Linux, and
Have a look at my CV or thesis for more information (i.a. IT skills and practical skills).
Currently, I work as an embedded systems programmer at SOREL where I perform a mix of maintenance and development programming for solar thermal controls.
This is how you can get in touch with me.
Selected recent projects:
- 8-Kanal Sensor für den Multiplex Sensor Bus (MSB), private, 2012. page
- Auswertungssoftware für psychologische Fragebögen, Praxis für Hör- und Psychotherapie, 2011. page
- Meditation — Einfache Übungen für mehr Gelassenheit im Alltag, JobCenter Mölln, 2011. page pdf
- Schematic for quadrocopter mainboard with KiCAD, QuadroFly, 2009. page tar.gz
- Embedded Webserver Solution and PC Control Software, FaliTec, 2009. page
- Live visualization of quadrocopter telemetry with gnuplot, QuadroFly, 2009. page tar.gz
- Mathe 2&3 Formelsammlungen — Stochastik, Logik, Gew. Dgl'en, Matrizen, ET Studium, 2008. page tar.gz
- Linux BASH-scripting, private, since 2006. page