CIS — Computer Info Script
Gather all important system information of a Linux installation, including headers for encrypted disks, for backup or support purposes. All files are packed in a tar.gz-archive called something like 20120704-17.43UTC_sol_info, where sol is the hostname.The archived information comprises:
Copied config files
/etc/fstab, /etc/crypttab, /etc/network/interfaces, /etc/resolv.conf -
LUKS headers + header information
sda5.luks.dd, sda5.luksDump.txt -
MBRs of all drives
sda.mbr.dd, sdb.mbr.dd, ... -
TC headers,, ... -
Linux installation details
time and date, hostname, distribution, kernel version, script arguments, table of contents, cat /proc/cpuinfo, fdisk -l, df -h, blkid, ifconfig, route, notes regarding the bck process - lshw output
- Installed packages
The script expects the following arguments: ./ MBR[1|0] LUKS[1|0] TC[0|1]Therefore, one valid call would be ./ mbr1 luks1 tc0
These arguments tell the script that information about the MBR and LUKS drives should be gathered, but not about truecrypt volumes. These are the default settings.
Note: It should be executed with root privileges to make sure it can access all necessary files and resources.
The respective output can be seen on the image above. Since the script is from 2008, it expects to find a /boot/grub/menu.lst and /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Both files no longer exist on my system, causing the script to exit with a generic error code.
- v02.6 sh