README_EN • README_DE====== README ====== CALL: gnuplot vector.plt gnuplot -xrm 'gnuplot*background:white' vector.plt ACTION: reads the last line from input.dat at regular intervals (the input file for the vectors received by minicom, directly from the stream) and copies the last line into a file for gnuplot (vector.dat) from which the plot is produced TEST: start gnuplot script open data file (input.dat), add a new line (vector) and watch the plot while saving the file File format for vectors: # ex ey ez acc # x y z x y z x y z x y z FILES ===== links minicom.cap to vector-input.dat (default minicom capture file) and starts minicom input.dat source of new vectors for the gnuplot scripts input-rec.dat vector stream record This file containts a recorded vector-stream. It can be 'played' with the script It copies the vectors line by line to input.dat. Simulates a vector stream into the file input.dat. Successively appends every line from input-rec.dat to input.dat --- just as minicom would do it. Runs a simulation: (1) Starts the vector-stream-simulation and the visualization of (2) the momentary orientation vectors as well as the acceleration vector and (3) of the acceleration vector components over time. vector.plt gnuplot script controlling how the vectors are displayed time.plt gnuplot script controlling how the acceleration over time is displayed vector.dat Contain the currently plotted vectors. time.dat The gnuplot scripts create them automatically from the input.dat, since the gnuplot scripts can only process one row of vectors at a time. Starts the gnuplot script for the vector resp. time plot with white background. SIMULATION ========== To run a simulation one has to first start the script and after that the gnuplot script resp. scripts for the visualization: ./ gnuplot -xrm 'gnuplot*background:white' vector.plt gnuplot -xrm 'gnuplot*background:white' time.plt If you want to avoid this tedious work, just run the script ./ It can be stopped with [RETURN]. HINTS ===== Create a symbolic link from input.dat to minicom.cap ---------------------------------------------------- With this you don't have to change the minicom settings after every start, telling it to write into input.dat instead of the default capture file minicom.cap. If a link is used, minicom can simply write into its default capture file and the visualization scripts read out the recieved vectors from this file via the link (input.dat). ln -s minicom.cap input.dat ln [OPTION]... [-T] TARGET LINK_NAME TARGET = minicom.cap LINK_NAME = input.dat NOTE: This is done automatically if you use the script to start minicom. Set background color of graphic window to white ----------------------------------------------- Either call gnuplot with the parameter "-xrm 'gnuplot*background:white'" or set it as the new standard. Such settings, regarding the X-System, are configured in the file ~/.Xresources. They are automatically read at the start of an X-session. Alternatively you can enter the following command in a terminal: xrdb -load ~/.Xresources --- ~/.Xresources -------------------------------------------------------------- ! gnuplot options ! modify this for a convenient window size gnuplot*geometry: 800x600 ! color options gnuplot*background: white gnuplot*textColor: black gnuplot*borderColor: black gnuplot*axisColor: black ! multiplicative factor for point styles gnuplot*pointsize: 2 ! line width options (in pixels) gnuplot*borderWidth: 2 gnuplot*axisWidth: 2 gnuplot*line1Width: 2 gnuplot*line2Width: 2 gnuplot*line3Width: 2 gnuplot*line4Width: 2 gnuplot*line5Width: 2 gnuplot*line6Width: 2 gnuplot*line7Width: 2 gnuplot*line8Width: 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source: